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Welcome to the faith department!

LRPLI is also a place for people to share their faith. It is ok if some of you are newer to your faith than others are. This is a place where the judgement of our world ends. This is the place for all of you to bring you problems, worries, joys, or even just to talk. This is a place where people get together and talk about whatever is on their mind as well as a place to go to seek advice. I would like to personally welcome each and every one of you to the new LRPLI faith section, I hope you all will enjoy yourselves and hopefully we will be able to help you find whatever it is you are looking for.

Please click the link below to go to our faith message board and when you are done, just click on the word "lrpli" at the top of the message board to get back to the faith area.

Click HERE to go to the message board.

Or click HERE to go to a cool site where you can read a fellow christian's thoughts on various subjects and you can even comment about them.